Rooster Yarns
AddiExpress Take-Off Lifting Needle Set (879-2)
Rooster Yarns
AddiExpress Take-Off Lifting Needle Set
AddiExpress Take-Off Lifting Needle is a handy tool for lifting and continuing to knit stitches from the addiExpress knitting machines. It is ideal when combining addi express machine and hand knitting in a project.
Thanks to the addiClick adapter on the addiExpress Take-Off lifting needle, you can directly slide the stitches onto the cord and continue with your knitting project using any of our addiClick interchangeable knitting needles. The 3.5 mm lace tip fits exactly between the needle guides of the knitting machines so you can easily lift and remove the stitches.
Contents: addiClick curved needle tip (8 cm), addiClick HeartStopper, addiClick SOS cord with slot (60 cm).
Material: Anodized needle tip with brass sleeve, cord and stopper made of plastic
AddiExpress Take-Off Lifting Needle Set
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